Getting to Know Us

Getting to Know Us

The Bias Cut

The name of this blog comes from an actual term to describe a type of evening gown worn in the 1930’s by the most glamorous stars. What made this cut revolutionary is not anything done with a pair of scissors, but rather a change in how the fabric was laid. Instead of the weave making right angles horizontally and vertically, it was simply changed so that the weave would face diagonally. This made the fabric tougher to cut, however in return, the fabric was more elastic in nature. The bias cut gown was then known for being able to form and mold a woman’s curves and drape nicely over a woman’s hips. The reason we chose this name is a “cheeky” play on words. Yes….we are a little biased but here we are focused on finding that perfectly magical and fashionable fit. On this blog we will be giving you updates on the store Clothology:135, tips and trends from our stylist for when you need it, and playfully a pinch of fun every now and then. We want you to know as much about us as we will about you when you come and visit. Stay tuned for more exciting things to come from Clothology:135!!

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Just wondering if the April 2, 2020 fashion show tickets are available yet….I would like to buy two tickets.
Cindy Caffrey

cindy caffrey

Didn’t know that about fabrics! Love how you help women have style. My items from you always help me feel stylish….even on Romblon! ❤️

Karen Carder

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